
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



Archbishops Advice to Diocesan Clergy on H1N1 Pandemic


Following the ‘Interim Advice’ to clergy from the Bishops, the Archdeacons have prepared the following practical guidelines, which have now been issued by the Archbishop.

a.    Provide an alcohol based antiseptic hand wash in the sanctuary area and those preparing the Eucharistic elements should use the wash before the preparation of the table.  Ministers of the Eucharist should come into the sanctuary at this point and also use the wash.
b.     Communicants may choose to receive Holy Communion in one kind only. Both elements will be offered in the usual way and it is up to the individual communicant to receive in one kind only. Intinction is NOT advised as this may increase the risk of infection if fingers are unintentionally dipped in the wine.
c.    It is advisable not to lay hands on the heads of children or adults when they come to the altar rails for a blessing.
d.     It may be advisable (where this happens) to cease having an offertory procession during the period of high risk of infection.
e.     Similarly, it is appropriate to refrain from physically sharing the Peace during this period.
f.     It is also suggested that the collection be taken as people leave the service to avoid passing the plate from person to person in the normal way.
g.    It should be stressed that it is quite possible to greet people either during or following worship without actually shaking hands!


The parish needs to be aware that pastoral contact by the clergy may need to be curtailed to avoid the transfer of infection. This may affect such things as:

1.     Hospital calls by parish clergy. The appropriate chaplain should be advised, especially in the case of serious illness.
2.    Only conducting one house communion per session.
3.     Extra care to ensure no infection is carried to elderly or high risk people in nursing homes etc.
4.     Avoid contact with households where there is either a current infection or a recent incidence of infection.
5.     It is advisable to contact all homes by phone before visitation.
6.     Where clergy themselves are in a high risk category (Heart conditions, Asthma, or other illness), they should arrange for another colleague to undertake essential visits to the sick and dying.

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