
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



New Conductor and Organ Scholar appointed at Trinity College Chapel

It has been announced that Ms. Roisin Rowley-Brooke has been appointed Conductor of Chapel Choir in Trinity College for the 2009/2010 academic year. Ms. Donna Magee has been appointed Organ Scholar.

Roisin Rowley-Brooke, who is about to begin her studies for a PhD in Engineering, has been a member of Chapel Choir and a Choral Scholar for the past five years. She is also a former conductor of Trinity College Singers. She was educated at Dean Close School in Cheltenham and her mother is the Rector of the Nenagh Union of Parishes, the Revd Marie Rowley-Brooke.

Donna Magee is from Newry in Co. Down and is entering the third year of the B.Ed. (Music Education) course in TCD. She is the sister of the 2008/2009 Organ Scholar, Mr. Darren Magee. It is the first time that a brother and sister have held this prestigious post in successive years. As well as being an accomplished organist and pianist, Donna is also a keen traditional musician on the bouzouki and the banjo.

Trinity College Dean of Residence, the Revd Darren McCallig said, “We are very fortunate to have gifted students like Roisin and Donna to take on these rewarding and demanding posts. I have no doubt they will build on the fine choral tradition here in Trinity and working with the Director of Chapel Music, Dr. Kerry Houston, they will bring the highest standards of musicianship to our worship.”

Trinity College Chapel Choir is a very good way for new students to meet students from other disciplines. It is both an educational and aesthetic experience. Some previous choral experience is an advantage and some ability to read music is essential but any member of College is welcome to apply to sing in the Choir. Those interested in joining the Choir should contact Roisin Rowley-Brooke at

Roisin Rowley-Brooke and Donna Magee
Roisin Rowley-Brooke and Donna Magee

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