
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



5th Express Alpha Course in St Ann’s

The Rev Michael R Heaney writes:

5th Alpha Course in St Ann's
5th Alpha Course in St Ann's

Dear Colleague

Two years ago we started the first Express Alpha Course in Ireland at St Ann’s Dawson Street. We have now completed 4 courses and have sent you a letter like this prior to each one, together with a poster. The courses have attracted folk from many walks of life – business folk, students, retired folk and others who have come in as they walk by. The Alpha model depends on a ‘roll over’ where those on one course invite others to join them on the next. Therefore we will begin the 5th Express Alpha Course in St Ann’s on Tuesday September 27 (between 1.00pm and 1.50pm – lunch is included). The Vicar David Gillespie is behind this initiative aimed at this city centre location and people who would prefer the shorter  ‘lunchtime Alpha’ rather than the usual evening.

My wife Rhodanne, I and the Alpha Team would ask you to put up the attached poster in a prominent place in your Church. We also hope that you will encourage any of your parishioners who are in the city at lunchtime, to come on the Express Alpha Course and to bring others with them. (It is so much easier to come with someone else!)

Many thanks,

Yours in His Service


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