
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



The Order of St Luke announces a week of prayer for Christian Healing

The Revs Russ Parker, John Ryeland, Mike Endicott from the United Kingdom and myself Larry Mitchell from North America have developed a week of prayer for the Christian Healing Ministry.

This event is scheduled to begin on 12 October 2011 and will end on St. Luke’s Day, 18 October 2011.

All that this will involve is to ask you to pray for the Ministry of Healing in its various forms during that week, for you to advertise this event and be willing to pray for the spread of the
Christian Healing Ministry around the world.

We believe that if like minded Christians are willing to concentrate their prayers for the Healing Ministry during that week, that great things will happen.

Please publicise this initiative, and if possible, bring together prayer groups especially to pray for the Ministry and maybe have a Service of Healing that week. 

The Vision is to make this International Week of Prayer for the Christian Healing Ministry an annual event and your support would be much appreciated.

A special website will inform about the members of the governing body for the week of prayer, the sponsors around the world and some suggested prayer activity for the 7 days leading up to St Luke’s Day 2011.

The address of the website is:

If further information is needed about the Order of St Luke, or you might wish to have a copy of their quarterly magazine, please contact the Editor;

Rev Dr Pat Mollan

33 Dargan Road, Belfast, BT3 9JU

028 9078 2159



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