
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



Trinity College Dublin Chapel Choir in Venice

The TCD Chapel Choir will travel to Venice this weekend, June 23 and 24, for a number of engagements. On Saturday evening they will sing at the vigil mass in the Chiesa di San Pantaleone Martire, commonly called San Pantalon. This ancient church is  particularly well known for its immense ceiling painting, ‘The Martyrdom and Apotheosis of St Pantalon’, painted on canvas by Gian Antonio Fumiani.

The high point of the trip will be on Sunday June 24 when the Choir will sing at the Sunday morning Eucharist in Saint George’s Anglican Church in Campo San Vio at 10.30 am. The celebrant will be Archdeacon Howard Levett, Priest–in–Charge of Saint George’s. The TCD Dean of Residence, the Revd Darren McCallig, will preach. The Choir will sing music by Monteverdi, Byrd, Shaw and Gibbons. Saint George’s has an unusual history in that the church building was originally the warehouse of the Venezia–Murano Glass and Mosaic Company and was dedicated for Christian worship in 1892.

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