Vicar of St Ann’s Welcomes New Lord Mayor of Dublin
The Vicar of St Ann’s Church, Dawson Street, Revd David Gillespie, has welcomed the new Lord Mayor of Dublin to the parish. Naoise Ó Muirí was elected the 343rd Lord Mayor of Dublin at the Annual City Council meeting held in City Hall on Monday 25th June. Traditionally, Vicars of St Ann’s pay a courtesy call to the nearby Mansion House shortly after the Lord Mayor’s election to welcome the new First Citizen to the Parish.
The new Lord Mayor is a member of Fine Gael. He studied engineering at the National University of Ireland, Galway and is a member of Engineers Ireland. He is self–employed and runs an Irish–owned technology company. He is married to Fionnuala and they have two young daughters. He is a Gaeilgeoir and a big GAA fan.

His priorities for his year in office include laying the foundation blocks for Dublin to become a leading city in all things digital including digital initiatives within Dublin City Council. He also plans to launch an initiative to turn derelict sites around the city into allotments or ecoparks and to encourage businesses in the city to participate in a corporate social responsibility exchange where they will pledge sponsorship, support and other resources to community groups in need.
Photograph: Vicar of St Ann’s, Dawson Street, Revd David Gillespie, welcomes the new Lord Mayor of Dublin Naoise Ó Muirí as first citizen of the parish during a courtesy call to the Mansion House.