
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



Church’s Ministry of Healing: Ireland Training Sessions

The Dublin & Glendalough Diocesan Committee of the Church’s Ministry of Healing: Ireland will be hosting another round of training sessions for prayer ministry for those who were unable to attend the May dates. Prayer ministers participate in the liturgy, praying, laying on of hands and anointing with oil in the context of a healing service.

The programme consists of a two–day course (two Saturdays) followed by a period of mentoring. Led by Dean Dermot Dunne and Canon Sue Watterson, the course explores best practice, listening skills, and a theological grounding for the healing ministry. It will take place from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm on Saturdays 15 and 22 September in the music room of Christ Church Cathedral. Participants will be asked to contribute a total of €20 at registration on September 15 to cover the cost of food and materials. Attendance on both days is required to complete the course.

To apply for training, candidates should complete the application form below and return it to their rector. The Ministry of Healing is a collegial ministry, which focuses on the health of the community as well as that of the individual. For this reason, and also to ensure the ministry’s integrity, applicants must have a recommendation from their rector (form below) before their application can be considered. Therefore, the ministry asks that all applications go through the appropriate clergy before reaching the central office.

For further information please contact Jessica Stone at

Church’s Ministry of Healing: Ireland Training Application

Church’s Ministry of Healing: Ireland Training Recommendation

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