
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



Clergy Lunchtime Talk – Communicating with Children Through Story

A lunchtime talk for clergy will be held in the Church of Ireland Theological Institute in conjunction with the Building Blocks Children’s Ministry Conference. This year the speaker at the Building Blocks Conference is Bob Hartman. He will also speak at a Clergy Lunch on Friday November 23. 

The talk recognises that communicating with children in church or school is a regular part of parish ministry and that it can be a challenge to keep coming up with new ideas and ways of engaging children. 

Bob has been working for many years as a children’s story teller. His style is exciting, engaging and interactive. He is the author of many Bible story books for children and adults. 

One of his best known books is the Lion Storyteller Bible as well as many others including The Noisy Stable, Anyone Can Tell a Story, The Complete Bible Baddies and Dinner in the Lion’s Den.

This lunchtime talk will help refresh and inspire clergy in their engagement with children.

The talk takes place on Friday November 23 in the Church of Ireland Theological Institute, Braemor Park from 12.30 pm to 2.00 pm. Lunch will be served at 12.30 pm sharp followed by the talk.

The lunchtime talk is free but due to catering arrangements names of those planning to attend need to be with Anne Taylor by Monday 19th November. 

For further information or booking contact – Rev’d Anne Taylor Tel: 01–4905543, Email:

Parking available in the College grounds. For directions see –

Meanwhile there are still some places available for the Building Blocks Children’s Ministry Conference on Saturday November 24 which takes place in All Hallows College, Drumcondra, Dublin 9. For information see

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