
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



St Patrick’s Choristers Launch New CD

The choristers of St Patrick’s Cathedral launched their new CD In Dublin’s Fair City, at a special free concert in the cathedral on Friday November 16. The CD was launched by the Minister for Education, Ruairi Quinn, who congratulated the choristers and their director on the beautiful music they had made.

“This CD encapsulates everything that is wonderful and beautiful about this cathedral,” the minister said. He said he never ceased to be amazed by the cathedral building and observed that that the St Patrick’s Cathedral Choir School was the oldest school on the island having operated continuously for 580 years.

Hundreds of people gathered in the cathedral for the concert which was given by the choristers and the cathedral consort. Following a welcome from the Dean, the Very Revd Victor Stacey, the evening was introduced by the Lord Mayor of Dublin, Naoise Ó Muirí. He detailed some of the history of the cathedral and said that from the city’s perspective it was recognised as one of Dublin’s major tourist draws attracting 350,000 tourists a year.

The Lord Mayor said that the CD’s title showed how proud the cathedral was of it’s home city. He said he had ordered the first two CDs for the Mansion House and that they would form part of the music played at the living crib outside the Mansion House this Christmas.

The choir’s director, Stuart Nicholson, thanked everyone who worked on the CD and the parents of the choristers for their patience and dedication. He also paid tribute to the cathedral staff, schools staff and the cathedral consort along with Judith Gannon, David Leigh and Victoria Green for accompanying the evening’s performance.

In Dublin’s Fair City features the choristers accompanied by harpist Dianne Marshall, guitarist Victoria Green and organists David Leigh and Harry Meehan.

Further details about the CD and how to buy it are available at:

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