
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



3Rock’s Essential Rocks Christ Church Cathedral

Christ Church Cathedral pulsated to a different beat than usual when it played host to the ninth Essential – a Christmas event with a twist. Organised by Dublin and Glendalough’s 3Rock Youth team, the event attracted hundreds of (mostly) young people from all over the country. As they filed into the cathedral, they were greeted by dance music and a spectacular light display. When the show got underway the internationally renowned band, the Rend Collective Experiment took over and got everyone to their feet for a rocked up version of Hark the Herald Angels Sing.

The event’s MCs were Susie Keane of 3Rock and fire–breathing youth worker, Stephen Byford, who was taking a night off setting himself alight. During the evening the pair interviewed Lisa Fitzsimons of Compassion Ireland and Jonny Somerville of Urban Soul. Lisa outlined Compassion Ireland’s child sponsorship programme which she said aimed to “get children living in extreme poverty out of extreme poverty and give them hope and a future”. She said that sponsorship costs €30 per month but encouraged people to gather together in groups to sponsor a child. Jonny highlighted the work of Urban Soul which takes place in Dublin during the summer when young people aged 15 to 18 years take to the streets for three days to do voluntary work. He said: “As someone once said ‘faith without action is dead’. Urban Soul is a means to put my faith into action”.

3Rock’s director, Greg Fromholz, addressed the gathering on the subject of fear. He spoke of the different fears people might have but said: “fear is terrified of love. We were created for more than fear. We shouldn’t live our lives afraid of shadows like a child… we were created to shine”. He thought of Mary’s fear and courage when faced with the news that she would give birth to the Light of the World. “Do you believe you were created to shine or are you just here to exist? If we choose to courageously engage in the lives that we lead, we will affect change,” he stated.

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