
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



Good Friday Radio Panel Discussion to Feature TCD Chaplain

As some theologians now cast doubt on the very existence of the historical Jesus, the God Slot, eschewing such speculation, takes time on Good Friday (March 29) to pause and wonder what Jesus might do professionally, politically and religiously were he to walk the earth today.

A distinguished panel has been assembled to ponder these issues: Jewish author, business man and motivational speaker Yanky Fachler; the Revd Darren McCallig, Church of Ireland Chaplain at TCD; columnist Mary Kenny and Prof Sean Freyne, author of ‘Jesus, A Jewish Galilean’.

Now more than halfway through its second season, The God Slot has established a reputation for stimulating discussion on topics that elevate the minds and spirits of people of all faiths and none. Our Good Friday/Passover programme should be no exception.

The programme airs just after the 10.00 pm news on RTE Radio 1 on Friday night. Alternatively you can listen online at


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