
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



Sod Turned on Arklow’s New Parish Hall

Parishioners and friends of St Saviour’s Church in Arklow gathered on Saturday afternoon (September 21) to turn the first sods for their new church hall. Two of St Saviour’s senior members, Harry Annesley and Elizabeth Kinch who are both over 90, got the work underway. The hall is being constructed in the church grounds and is expected to be completed by autumn of next year.

Arklow Hall
Arklow Hall

The sod turning ceremony was preceded by a special Songs of Praise Service in the church. Arklow’s rector, the Revd Nigel Sherwood, told the congregation that the process had been ongoing for many years. He said that they were in a position to build a new hall thanks to the good work of successive treasurers, Billy Shaw, Betty McKeown and now Jimmy Woolmington. They also received a small grant from the Church of Ireland Priorities Fund.

Project coordinator, Jimmy Woolmington, said it had taken a few years to get the project started but thanked everyone who had helped in the work so far, particularly the select vestry for rowing in behind the idea of the new hall. He said the new building would give the parish great scope and he was delighted that friends, neighbours and fellow Christians were present to witness the sod being turned.

Arklow’s Mayor, Tommy Annesley, was also present and recalled many days spent in the Sunday School Hall and Mrs Kinch keeping him in line in Carysford National School. He applauded the vestry for taking on the job.


Photo caption: Harry Annesley, the Revd Nigel Sherwood, Mayor Tommy Annesley, Elizabeth Kinch and her daughter Susan, and project coordinator, Jimmy Woolmington.

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