
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



Second Retreat in the City to Take Place in Christ Church Cathedral

Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, will be the venue for Retreat in the City which takes place from February 21 to 23. Now in its second year the retreat is designed to help participants find peace in the midst of the busyness of the city centre.

Set in the historic surroundings of the cathedral, the retreat aims to teach those present how to create space for peace and to connect with God which will help far beyond the time of the weekend retreat itself. Sessions will teach a practice which can be taken into busy daily lives which are full of noise and mayhem.

The retreat will be led by Sue Grier of Immanuel Christian Retreat Centre in Ramelton, Donegal. Sue has a wide experience in Christian spirituality and will be leading sessions on St Bonaventure’s The Tree of Life.

The retreat is non residential and the cost of €85 includes retreat sessions and lunch on Saturday and Sunday. For those traveling from outside Dublin, there are a number of reasonably priced hotels in the area. 

Full details of the retreat can be found here.

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