
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



Joint Lenten Reflection Series by Church’s Ministry of Healing Ireland and Bishops’ Appeal

A Lenten Reflection Series focusing on the theme of Compassion is being explored jointly by Bishops’ Appeal and the Church’s Ministry of Healing Ireland.  The series will reflect upon theological and practical aspects of compassion and will root its exploration in both the local and the global context. 

The opening reflection is provided by Jessica Stone who is the Ministry Coordinator for the Church’s Ministry of Healing.  It is a powerful extract from a reflection Jessica delivered at the Bishops’ Appeal Conference in February where energetic calls to respond to poverty and injustice were balanced by this reminder that in order to love others and respond compassionately to their needs in a way that is not determined by our energy levels, circumstances and emotional reserves, we need to constantly return to the Infinite Source of compassion.  Only when we are filled can we then turn and bless others. 

The reflection can be found at: and

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