BACI 2015 Lent Bible Studies Focus on Same Sex Issues
The series has been carefully designed to take note of recent biblical thinking in this area and to offer both traditionalist and more modern ways of considering the key texts. It demands no theological expertise of participants, but does invite groups to ponder the theological, biblical and sociological questions in a non–academic fashion. It is hoped that it will enable participants to think over the issues prayerfully with respect both for the biblical texts, for one another and for those whose lives are affected by the debate.
The sessions are as follows:
1. The Teaching of Jesus – extracts from Matthew’s Gospel.
2. The Prohibitions of Leviticus.
3. Implications from the Creation Narratives.
4. Paul’s teaching on unnatural or depraved sexuality. (Romans 1)
5. Sin lists, condemnation, exemption and redemption. (Other Pauline texts with Acts 10–11.)
The BACI team – on this occasion Canon Ginnie Kennerley, the Revd Dr William Olhausen and ordinand David Compton – hope that this opportunity for people of differing views to study Scripture and meditate together on the issues will assist in the ongoing discernment process in the Church of Ireland. The 36 page booklet cab be down–loaded from www.bibliahibernica.wordpress.com and copies can also be purchased from Best Sellers (The Bible Society) or Christ Church Cathedral in Dublin, for €1.50 or £8 for six copies, and from The Book Well (postage included) and St Anne’s Cathedral Belfast for £1.60.
The Bible Study series has been commended by both patrons of BACI, the Archbishop of Armagh and the Archbishop of Dublin.
In his commendation, Archbishop Richard Clarke said: “Although the entire area of human sexuality in the context of Christian belief is deeply contentious for many people (and from many different perspectives), it surely behoves every Christian disciple to listen with genuine respect to viewpoints other than their own, but which are nevertheless held in conscience by fellow Christians. My true hope is that these studies may enable a process of respectful and spiritual mutual listening to continue and, with God’s guidance and blessing, to bring us unitedly closer to His will for all his people”.
Archbishop Michael Jackson said: “My hope and prayer are that the Studies contained within it will contribute to the enlargement of the attentive listening on which we are currently engaged across the Church of Ireland in the area of human sexuality in the context of Christian belief. Both the subject and its content have long aroused significant energy and vigorous argument on the part of many people. My hope and prayer would be that attentive listening might bear the fruit of respectful hearing”.