
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



Church of Ireland Youth Department to Hold Day of Prayer for Young People

Tuesday February 17 will be the Church of Ireland Youth Department’s Day of Prayer for Young people. People in dioceses across the island will be gathering to pray for young people and for youth ministry.

Day of Prayer For Young People
Day of Prayer For Young People

In Dublin and Glendalough there will be a service in Christ Church Cathedral on February 17 from 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm sponsored by the United Dioceses, the Dublin and Glendalough Youth Council and CIYD.

As well as prayer for the youth; the service, which will be set in the context of the Eucharist, will showcase some examples of alternative and creative ways of praying with and for young people.

Following on from the fruitful conversations with Rural Deaneries about Youth Ministry in the United Dioceses, this as an opportune moment to pray about the things discussed and for the future of Youth ministry within the dioceses.

This service is primarily aimed at clergy, however, youth ministers, leaders, volunteers, parents and young people are all encouraged to attend.

Information and resources for the CIYD Day of Prayer for Young People can be found here.

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