Prophetic Voices – Climate Conversations 2015 in Christ Church Cathedral
The latest in a series of ‘climate conversations’ takes place in the Music Room of Christ Church Cathedral on Monday April 20 starting at 7.00 pm.
Christian Aid has partnered with Trócaire, the Irish Congress of Trade Unions, the Environmental Pillar and The Climate Gathering and others to stage the major series of “climate conversations” during 2015. The Climate Conversations series is founded on the understanding that climate change is not just a scientific or political issue: it is also a social, cultural and ethical challenge.
A common rebuttal to taking climate action is ‘why bother? What difference will it make?’ Prophetic Voices, the fourth event in the series, will explore how spirituality and faith can help to rebuild a deeper connection and appreciation of nature, bringing together people from different faith and spiritual traditions and individuals from different generations charting their own path in response to climate justice. Buoyed by both choir and soloists, it is sure to be an engaging and uplifting evening.
The session will run from 7.00 pm until 8.30 pm followed by refreshments and conversations until 9.30 pm.
Join the conversation in person or watch online by clicking here
Please register your attendance on Eventbrite by clicking here
For any queries please contact Sorley McCaughey SMcCaughey@christian-aid.org / Cliona Sharkey at cliona.sharkey@trocaire.org