
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



Dublin and Glendalough Parish Facebook Workshop

Following the tremendous interested expressed by parishes in the Dublin and Glendalough Diocesan Communications Committee’s Facebook Training Workshop, a practical session has been arranged for Saturday May 16 at Dublin City University.

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This workshop is aimed at those who would like to set up or improve their parish Facebook page. Ideally those attending will be people who look after the parish Facebook page or might do so in future. There may also be room for those on diocesan committees who would be interested in gaining a social media presence for the committee.

The workshop will run from 9.30 am until 1.00 pm and will be led by a professional social media trainer and a social media safety expert. The areas to be covered include: How to set up a parish Facebook page, How to optimise your parish page, and social media safety and best practice. Please bring your iPad, laptop, or other electronic device as this will be a practical session. If you have a Facebook page already, please bring the address details. If you do not currently have a Facebook page you will be shown how to set one up.

This workshop is being sponsored by The Church Review and is therefore free of charge for participants who are attending on behalf of their parish or diocesan committee. However, places are limited.

To register your interest in attending please email the Diocesan Communications Officer at as soon as possible.

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