Christ Church Cathedral Girls’ Choir Marks Milestone Anniversary
The Girls’ Choir in Christ Church Cathedral celebrated its 20th anniversary on Saturday November 21 with a special Service of Choral Evensong. Former directors of music, organists and former girl altos and sopranos of the choir joined other past choristers and the current Girls’ Choir to sing at the anniversary service.
![Girls' Choir Reunion](cmsfiles/archive/November2015/girls-choir1.jpg)
Speaking afterwards on behalf of the girls, Clodagh Merry and Anna Hickey both paid tribute to the people who had started the Girls’ Choir back in 1995. They recalled what it meant to belong to such a choir as schoolgirls and how this had inspired both discipline, a sense of belonging and enthusiasm for choral singing ever since. In particular they warmly thanked Mark Duley and all of those who had the vision and energy to get the choir of the ground, which has greatly enriched its liturgy and served the needs of many worshippers over the years. For the reunion the assembled group was joined by Helen Lawson, who acted as robes’ mistress and faithfully served the choir for many years.
As Precentor of the cathedral at the time of its foundation, Canon John Bartlett played a lead role in persuading the cathedral authorities to develop such a choir. He was able to produce his account of the very first service as he had entered it on the day:
Saturday 25 Nov at 5.00 p.m.
“Evensong was led by the new Girls’ Choir for the first time. They looked spectacular in their white albs and red tabards, and sang like angels with a clear, pure tone. The cathedral was full and the buzz was terrific. The clergy actually applauded the choir after Evensong. Archbishop, Dean and I posed with them for photographs. Celebration afterwards in the choir room”.
He further commented in celebrating 20 years since it’s foundation: “It is important to say that in their first decade the Girls’ Choir was given great support by the then Dean, John Paterson, and by the girls’ parents, who brought their daughters to rehearsals and collected them, and came to the cathedral to hear them sing, and by Mark himself and the members of the senior choir, who sometimes sang with the Girls’ Choir and into whose ranks some members of the Girls’ Choir eventually rose. The Girls’ Choir became a feeder choir for the Cathedral Choir. And it is also important to say that Ian Keatley is doing a great job in continuing the tradition”.
![Girls' Choir Reunion](cmsfiles/archive/November2015/girls-choir2.jpg)
He wished the current group well as they “move onwards and upwards” and commended all those who had organised the renuion, especially Victor Coe, chairman of the Past Choristers Association who made the gathering happen.
Photo captions:
Top – The full group who sang at the reunion are pictured with Ian Keately, Director of Music at Christ Church Cathedral, and Mark Duley, former Director of Music, who, together with Canon Dr John Bartlett, started the first girls’ choir, in 1995.
Bottom – Mark Duley cuts the cake produced for the occasion as current Precentor, Canon Neil McEndoo and current members of the Girls’ choir look on.