Come&C DCU – An Educational Look at Responding to Human Need by Loving Service
Dublin City University’s Infer Faith Centre was alive with the sound of songs of praise at the latest Come&C Service on Monday evening (April 25). This time the focus was on the vibrant area of third level chaplaincy and it was through this lens that the theme ‘To respond to human need by loving service’ based on the third Mark of Mission of the Anglican Communion, was examined.

The service, which is the fourth Come&C songs of praise type event to take place in Dublin and Glendalough’s Year of Come&C, was led by DCU’s Church of Ireland Chaplain, Philip McKinley. The rousing hymns and songs were led by the DCU Gospel Choir in what was their debut performance. The service also featured the world premier of the ‘Come&C’ hymn, which has been written by Philip McKinley for the Year of Come&C.
Setting the scene, Philip said that the process of incorporation of the Church of Ireland College of Education, St Patrick’s College of Education and the Mater Dei Institute of Education to form the new DCU Institute of Education was ongoing. He added that third level chaplaincy in Dublin had been going through a process of change with Church of Ireland chaplains now in post in Dublin City University, University College Dublin, Trinity College Dublin and Dublin Institute of Technology.
The Vice President of DCU for External Affairs, the Revd Trevor Holmes, spoke of the importance of the Inter Faith Centre which was at the heart of everything that went on at DCU. Referring to the third Mark of Mission, responding to human need by loving service, he commented that DCU was set up to transform lives and society so DCU and the Church had a common goal. DCU President, Professor Brian MacCraith, also dropped in and welcomed the congregation.
Each of t he Come&C services focuses on one of the Five Marks of Mission of the Anglican Communion but each also bears the unique hallmark of the hosts. The theme of Monday’s service was taken up by the Church of Ireland Chaplains of DIT, TCD and UCD as well as the Principal of the Church of Ireland College of Education. All spoke about how responding to human need by loving service looked in their settings.

Susie Keegan, a Chaplain in DIT Aungier Street spoke about responding to human need by loving service in relation to a project she is involved in with Sean Mullan called SOUP Dublin – a community that wants to see Dublin benefit from great ideas. Regular gatherings are held at Third Space at the Y on Aungier Street and four people with four ideas to help make Dublin better get four minutes each to make their pitches. There is a vote and the person with the best idea brings the proceeds from the door charge home. There is also soup and chat. “This enables people who have ideas that will benefit Dublin to present them to the community. It is a way of empowering and equipping people,” Susie explained.
UCD Chaplain, Scott Evans, spoke about a new initiative he is involved in at UCD which is based on the Paradoxolgy sacred space tent he helps to run at Electric Picnic. He described the beautiful campus at UCD but said that the exam hall at the RDS is a sterile, pressured environment. The new space will give students a chance to get away from the stress of exams and give them an area where they know they are valued for the individual they are.
Chaplain and Dean of Residence at Trinity College Dublin, the Revd Steve Brunn, spoke about mission at TCD through the Dublin University Far Eastern Mission with which he and the Chapel Choir will be traveling to Hong Kong in June. But he also spoke about the Dublin University Mission to Chota Nagpur. He said he would like to see similar exchanges taking place with the mission in India as happens in Hong Kong. Mission used to mean saving the heathens overseas, he said, but now it involves dialogue and people from both parties learning from each other.
Principal of CICE, Dr Anne Lodge, talked of the small community of staff and students at the teacher training college. Living in such a small community could be overwhelming and over the last seven years she had noticed that anxiety levels had increased among the undergraduate students. However, the college had been involved in the Realt Project in sub Saharan Africa and Dr Lodge said that the students who took part on the project came back changed, not just because they gave but because people gave to them. She hoped the college’s involvement in the project would continue following incorporation.

At every Come&C Service a banner has been made and at DCU people wrote a word or phrase relating to the third Mark of Mission. This banner was brought into the chapel at the end of the service and laid on the floor – an act Archbishop Michael Jackson said in his concluding words was appropriate as an expression of service.
There are more photos from this service at: https://www.facebook.com/DublinandGlendalough/posts/1005901032779274
Come&C Hymn
Come and See,
That Jesus is real
Come and see
New life is revealed
1. Making it known in our word, life and deed
The Kingdom of God is for all,
Proclaiming afresh, the Good News we believe,
Sharing it throughout the world.
Come and See,
That Jesus is real
Come and see
New life is revealed
2. Teach and baptise all that come to the Lord
Nurture new faith, help it grow.
With Scripture and Sacrament, Prayer for our way,
Be the example, you show.
Come and See,
That Jesus is real
Come and see
New life is revealed
3. Seeing the needs of the world in our lives
Don’t walk by or cross the other side.
Responding with love, as occasions arise,
Being God’s hands, ears and eyes
Come and See,
That Jesus is real
Come and see
New life is revealed
4. Seeking to change all the structures unjust,
Challenging violence and war.
Pursuing the peace of the whole human race,
Healing relationships torn.
Come and See,
That Jesus is real
Come and see
New life is revealed
5. Safeguarding all of God’s created world
The soil and the seas and the sky.
Sustaining, renewing the life of the Earth,
Ensuring creation survives.
Come and See,
That Jesus is real
Come and see
New life is revealed
Photo captions
Top: Principal of CICE, Dr Anne Lodge; TCD Chaplain, the Revd Steve Brunn; UCD Chaplain, Scott Evans; and DIT Chaplain, Susie Keegan being interviewed by DCU Chaplain, Philip McKinley.
Middle: The DCU Gospel Choir at the debut performance.
Bottom: Members of the congregation adding to the DCU Come&C banner.