
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



D&G800 – Diocesan School Children Offered Free Monks Tours of Christ Church Cathedral

D&G800 – Diocesan School Children Offered Free Monks Tours of Christ Church Cathedral

As part of Christ Church Cathedral’s celebrations for Dublin & Glendalough 800, the cathedral is launching a new ‘Monks Tour’ which will be free to children aged seven to 10 from all diocesan schools.

Monks Tours
Monks Tours

The tour is set in 1266 and classes will be led around the cathedral by a guide who is their prior. They’ll have the chance to dress up in monks’ habits and learn all about how monks lived at Christ Church; what they ate, what they wore and what they did every day. It is hoped that the tour will be a fun way to engage schools with another side of the cathedral’s history and spiritual life.

The tours are launching from the beginning of March and will run from Monday to Wednesday throughout 2017. Pre booking is essential but there will be no cost to any diocesan schools.

To book your class in please contact the cathedral’s education officer, Ruth Kenny, at

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