Archbishop of Dublin invites all Faith Communities to Work towards Inclusivity

Archbishop Michael Jackson together with the Reverend Dr Joshva Raja, Rector of Cudworth, Diocese of Birmingham, England, joined representatives of eight distinct world Faiths who came together to share insights and practices on disability issues in Nagpur, India, recently. People with disabilities were active participants and contributors at the Conference on Inter Faith Approaches to Disability Issues which was organised by the National Council of Churches of India (NCCI) in the Palatine Conference Centre, Nagpur.
Nagpur is right in the middle of pre–Independence India. This was the first such conference and was a new development and fresh direction for NIFCON (the Anglican Communion’s Network for Inter Faith Concerns) members. Set in the context of a very diverse India, it drew together people both living a life of disability and committed to the dignity of the human person in a context of societal exclusion. Inevitably this raised the question of religious exclusion also for Persons With Disability.
Perspectives were shared with honesty and compassion around experiences and policies. The conference made a commitment to challenge the injustices that lie at the heart of exclusion in regard to disability issues. From the perspective of Christianity in particular, the conference brought to the surface issues associated with the relationship between missio Dei (the mission of God) and missio humanitiatis (the mission to and from one’s fellow human being) in the context of the theology of image and likeness of God to be found in the Book Genesis.
There also was broad–ranging discussion of Biblical articulations in regard to illness and disability which are not necessarily the same thing or the same experience. This discussion allowed people of other world Faiths to ask questions about theodicy (the human perception and understanding of the ways of God) which is a common thread in every World Faith which not having a common articulation or explanation. It remains a question in common for people of faith.The Archbishop delivered the Keynote Address and Dr Raja led discussion. Both participated regularly in panel discussion. During their time there, both Dr Raja were received graciously by the bishop of Nagpur (CNI) and the diocese in the cathedral; this is where the Agreement establishing The Church of North India (CNI) was signed and there is a monument to the signing outside the West Door. They also were invited to meet and discuss matters of ecclesiastical and theological interest with all the clergy of the diocese.
The communiqué of the conference is below.

National Council of Churches in India – Indian Disability Ecumenical Accompaniment
Nagpur Inter–Faith Round Table on Disability, 7 – 9 Aug 2017, Nagpur, India.
Archbishop of Dublin invites all Faith Communities to Work towards Inclusive Communities
The National Council of Churches in India (NCCI) is the apex body of 30 Protestant and Orthodox Churches representing 14 million Christians in India. The Indian Disability Ecumenical Accompaniment (IDEA) is an Ecumenical Initiative of the NCCI. The IDEA aims to facilitate the Member Churches to be disabled friendly and accompany the Persons With Disability, theologically, ministerially and diaconally.
From 7 to 9 August the IDEA organised an Interfaith Round Table on Disability in Nagpur, India by joining hands with the World Council of Churches – Ecumenical Disability Advocates Network (WCC –EDAN), Spalding Trust, Church of Ireland, World Vision India and Christian Service Agency. There were seventy representatives including those with Disabilities (PWDs) hailing from eight different faith backgrounds, as clerics, theologians, academicians, practitioners representing the traditions of Baha’i, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Indigenous community, Islam, Jainism and Sikhism. The round table conversed, on how religions look at PWDs; deliberated upon the status and place accorded by Holy Scriptures to such persons, what is God’s view on PWDs in different faiths and also on how faith communities look at PWDs. We discussed about the role of faith communities in promoting and inculcating the culture of inclusion in faith communities and in society.
The Most Rev. Dr. Michael Jackson, Archbishop of Dublin Ireland inaugurated the Round Table along with Prof. Dr. Siddharthavinayaka P Kane, the Vice–chancellor of the Nagpur University, Rev. Dr. Joshva Raja, Vicar, Church of England, Birmingham Diocese, Bishop Paul Dupare, Bishop, Church of North India – Diocese of Nagpur, Mrs. Rachna Sing, Principal, CNI – St. Ursula Junior College and Rev. Dr. Roger Gaikwad, General Secretary NCCI. The Archbishop delivered the Key Note address. The Archbishop in his key note appreciated the initiative and invited all the faith communities to get engaged in such conversation and collective engagement in realizing the inclusive societies ‘of’ all and ‘for’ all. He also observed that, all holy scriptures are inclusive and the God–images are found disabled friendly and treated them as full human without any discriminations. So, the faith communities are to reflect those images of God while we practice our faiths.
Prof. Dr. Siddharthavinayaka P Kane emphasized up on a spirituality that unites all rather divides. Rev. Dr. Joshva Raja suggested to experience God and read holy scriptures from the eyes of the PWDs . Rev. Dr. Roger Gaikwad pleaded to create an accessible environment including at our holy shrines.
Yogachariya Kedar Joshi, Ankit Bhuptani, Janab. Yahiya Khan, Mrs. Manju Jain, Venerable Bhadant Dhamma Sarathi, Shri Santosh H Chahande, Rev. Deva Jothi Kumar, Dr. Ezamu Murry, Shri, Hemant Lodha and Dr. Mrs. Amrit Kaur Basera were the speakers representing eight world faiths.
Mrs. Glory Cynthia Shinde, Coordinated this round table. She said, it is a time for the faith communities to move from the charity mode to accompaniment mode in ensuring ‘transparent inclusion’ and ‘visible accessibility’ in our faith journeys.
Rev. Christopher Rajkumar, the Director of the IDEA and the Executive Secretary of the NCCI – Mission and Unity expressed his concern that, every faith adherent has every Right to worship and participate in religious activities. So, it is the duty of all faith to assure the participation of PWDs in to physically participate in the worship and other activities by consciously creating space for them.
The Round Table concluded with the commitment to continue as ‘Interfaith Disability Advocates Net–work’ and also pledged initiate such conversations locally with their own faith communities and other faith communities also.
NCCI – Indian Disability Ecumenical Accompaniment