
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough


26th April

Climate Change Seminar

Now Fully Booked. Waiting List in Operation
Climate Change Seminar - Now Fully Booked. Waiting List in Operation

UPDATE: Thank you to everyone who has already reserved a space for the seminar. The response has been overwhelming, and we are now at full capacity. We have started a waiting list in the event spaces become available. Please get in touch with Caoimhe Leppard by emailing or call 014125608



The Church and Society Commission (CASC) of the Church of Ireland is organising an information morning on climate change for clergy and church leaders of all denominations on Thursday April 26 from 10am to 1pm in the Science Gallery, Trinity College, Pearse Street, Dublin 2.

The morning will be hosted by the Archbishop of Dublin, the Most Revd Dr Michael Jackson and Archdeacon Andrew Orr, Chair of Eco–Congregation Ireland.

Topics covered in the seminar will be:

  • The Science of Climate Change – Professor John Sweeney, Emeritus Professor of Geography, Maynooth University
  • Joining the Dots on Climate Justice – Dr Lorna Gold, Trócaire
  • Theology and Environmental Ethics in Changing Climate – Dr Cathriona Russell, Dungannon and Beresford Assistant Professor in Theology, Trinity College Dublin

The morning will conclude with a light lunch at 1pm. Attendance is free. Details of the timetable are below.

Places are limited and will be allocated on a first–come/first–served basis. To secure a place, please email or contact Caoimhe Leppard in Church of Ireland House, Dublin, 01 4125608. Information on how to find the Science Gallery, Trinity College, can be found here

The Church and Society Commission of the Church of Ireland

Climate Change Awareness Seminar


Venue – Science Gallery Trinity College, Pearse Street, Dublin 2 (Studio 1)

Date– Thursday April 26 2018


10.00: Registration and tea/coffee

10.30: Opening Remarks: The Most Reverend Michael Jackson, Archbishop of Dublin

10.35: Speaker: The Science of Climate Change, Professor John Sweeney, Emeritus Professor of Geography, Maynooth University

11.15 Speaker: Joining the Dots on Climate Justice, Dr. Lorna Gold, Trócaire

11.55: Comfort Break

12.05: Speaker:Theology and Environmental Ethics in a Changing Climate, Dr Cathriona Russell , Assistant Professor, Religions and Theology, Trinity College Dublin

12.45: Plenary

12.55: Closing Remarks: The Venerable Andrew Orr, Archdeacon of Ossory & Leighlinand Chair of Eco–Congregation Ireland

13.00: Lunch

Booking email: / +353 (0)14125 608

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