Anglican Chant Workshop a Huge Success

Church Music Dublin was delighted to welcome over 60 people to an Anglican Chant workshop held in Christ Church Cathedral on Saturday (March 23). The workshop was led by Ian Keatley, director of music at the cathedral.
The venue was the music room where Ian took participants through a brief synopsis of the history of chant and discussed Psalmody. While the emphasis was on Anglican Chant, Ian also included Gregorian chant, Responsorial Psalmody and a metrical Psalm to demonstrate different ways of singing Psalms.
Those gathered were challenged to become an ensemble and to reflect the words of the Psalms through their singing. A contrast was formed by the inclusion of joyful Psalms followed by a deeply reflective Psalm and Ian cajoled the group with much good humour until the required standard was in sight.
Following a coffee break, the participants were invited to gather in the choir stalls of the cathedral in time for the 12 noon Peace Prayers after which some of the repertoire studied earlier in the morning was reprised, with the organist, David Bremner, at the console to demonstrate how the organ can be used to support and enhance the singing. Many of the visitors to the cathedral sat to listen.
Church Music Dublin is very grateful to the Dean, the Very Revd Dermot Dunne, for his kind invitation to hold the event in the cathedral. Many thanks to Ian Keatley for leading the workshop and to David Bremner for playing the organ.