Archbishops of Dublin and Jerusalem Look Forward to Joint Clergy Retreat

Next week clergy from Dublin & Glendalough and the Anglican Diocese of Jerusalem will gather in Dublin for their first joint clergy retreat. The retreat takes place from June 3 to 7 and involves an equal number of clergy from each diocese. The second leg of the retreat will be in Jerusalem.
The joint retreat is part of the friendship link which has been developing between Jerusalem and Dublin & Glendalough over the last three years.
Archbishop Suheil Dawani (Jerusalem) and Archbishop Michael Jackson (Dublin & Glendalough) are looking forward to the retreat which members of the clergy of both dioceses will share together with their archbishops.
The programme has been organised by a group of clergy in Dublin & Glendalough. A similar group will organise the return visit to the Diocese of Jerusalem.
The joint retreat is part of the shared spiritual life made possible by the partnership of friendship between the dioceses. The archbishops hope that as personal relations strengthen and deepen among the clergy it will be possible to develop reciprocal relations between parishes and institutions.
Please pray for this exciting initiative and for all who have put great work into its organisation.