Greetings to the New Archbishop of Jerusalem from the Archbishop of Dublin
The United Dioceses of Dublin and Glendalough has an ongoing partnership with the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem.

“We in Dublin and Glendalough are delighted that Archbishop Hosam Naoum is being installed on The feast of The Ascension.
“Christians worldwide celebrate the Feast of The Ascension today; Christians in Jerusalem live the life of The Ascended Christ today and all days.
“At His Ascension, Our Lord handed directly to the disciples the responsibilities of service and leadership of the people of God; He promised that they would be equipped by The Holy Spirit as individuals and as a community.
“Archbishop Hosam enters into this rich tradition of God and the world on this day of installation.
“We rejoice for him, for his priests and for his people on this day. He brings to this high office strengths of humanity and of compassion, wisdom and purpose.
“We ask that God will be kind to him and all of his family who are woven into the life of The Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem.
“Our hope is that can redevelop our companionship link and meet as children of God inspired by the words of St Luke 24.48: You are to be witnesses to it all.
“I add my personal blessing and joy on this day to my friend Hosam.”
Feast of The Ascension 2021
You can watch the Service of Installation here: