‘I lift up my eyes to the hills’ – Fundraising drive launched for Al Ahli Hospital, Gaza
Donation portal open from May 24 to June 11 2021

The recent situation in the Holy Land has put huge pressure on hospitals, including Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza city which is run by our partners in the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem. Dublin & Glendalough has previously supported Al Ahli Hospital by raising funds to refurbish its on–call facilities for staff and for solar panels. Now we are seeking your support again and asking for donations to the hospital over the next three weeks.
Last week the newly installed Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, the Most Revd Hosam Naoum, appealed for support for the hospital. He said: ”The Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem is continuing its Christian mission of bringing healing to the wounded, relief to those who have lost their homes and livelihoods and comfort to those who mourn the loss of loved ones. Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza has been on the frontlines of these relief efforts, becoming a beacon of hope to those trying to remain alive under such dire circumstances.” Archbishop Naoum said the hospital is in desperate need of funds for fuel for its generators and to purchase emergency medicine and supplies.
Dublin and Glendalough Council for Mission is coordinating the fundraising drive for Al Ahli Hospital from May 24 to June 11. During that time donations can be made securely by card via the Christ Church Cathedral website at: https://christchurchcathedral.ie/al-ahli/
Over the next three weeks the Dean’s Vicar at the Cathedral, the Revd Abigail Sines; Lay Reader at Christ Church Bray, David Reynolds; Lydia Monds, Education Officer at Bishops’ Appeal; and Chaplain of the King’s Hospital School, Canon Peter Campion, have pledged to walk 100 kilometres – the distance from Gaza city to Jerusalem – in solidarity with all people in the Land of the Holy One who are suffering as a result of the latest eruption of violence.
Would you or your parish like to join them in expressing solidarity and raising awareness and funds by committing to walking 100 kilometres individually or as a team? If you would, please email abigail@christchurch.ie.
Donations can be made directly to the fund or by sponsoring a walker. Both options are available on the Christ Church Cathedral website. All funds raised will be transferred to the Diocese of Jerusalem following the conclusion of the appeal on June 11.
The Revd Abigail Sines, who is organising the fundraising drive, comments: “In recent years the United Dioceses have built connections of friendship and solidarity through the Jerusalem Link, with previous contributions made to the Al Ahli Hospital as well as the building of friendships through exchange visits. As we face not only the impacts of the coronavirus but sadly the ongoing tensions in the region, we would like to continue in this relationship of solidarity, even though our plans for further exchanges have had to be placed on pause for another year. We look forward to 2022 when we hope a group of Dublin and Glendalough clergy will be able to make a return visit as part of our joint retreat with colleagues in Jerusalem, and for the three lay readers who have been awarded bursaries to have the opportunity to take up their selected courses at St George’s College.”
While Anglicans represent only a tiny minority of the population of Gaza, Al Ahli Hospital serves all people of Gaza city without discrimination on religious, gender, social or political grounds.
You can read Archbishop Naoum’s statement in full on the cathedral website here.