Canon Lesley Robinson installed to Cathedral Chapter

Canon Lesley Robinson was installed as 12th Canon to the Chapter of Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, yesterday (Sunday November 7) by the cathedral’s Dean, the Very Revd Dermott Dunne.
The installation took place during the Service of Choral Evensong sung by the Cathedral Choir. It was attended by members of Canon Robinson’s family and friends as well as a group of parishioners from Clontarf where she has been Rector since 2013.
Lesley is Rural Dean of Fingal and chairperson of the Healthcare Chaplaincy Oversight Committee as well as chairperson of Dublin Bereavement Support Service. She is also involved in Dublin and Glendalough Youth Council, the Diocesan Council for Mission, the Ministry of Healing and is an honorary Chaplain to the Church of Ireland Theological Institute.
Canon Robinson was appointed 12th Canon in succession to Canon Kevin Brew who retired during the summer.