
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



KPS students help launch major competition marking half century of EU membership

KPS students help launch major competition marking half century of EU membership
Students from Kildare Place School with An Taoiseach Micheál Martin, Education Minister Norma Foley, Europe Minister Thomas Byrne and Archbishop Michael Jackson with other guests for the launch of MyEU50.

The pupils and staff of Kildare Place School in Rathmines welcomed some very important visitors yesterday afternoon (Wednesday September 7). An Taoiseach Micheál Martin joined the pupils in their fantastic outdoor classroom to launch a major competition for young people all across Ireland to mark 50 years of Ireland’s EU membership.

MyEU50 is a joint initiative of the Government of Ireland and European Movement Ireland. It will engage with students at primary, post–primary and third level to share their creativity and ideas about Ireland and Europe. The lucky pupils at KPS were chosen for the launch having taken part in European Movement Ireland’s Blue Star Schools programme.

Joining the Taoiseach and 5th and 6th class pupils of KPS were the Minister for Education, Norma Foley and the Minister of State for European Affairs, Thomas Byrne. Archbishop Michael Jackson was also present and school principal, Ian Packham, welcomed everyone along, thanking the school’s Blue Star coordinator, Avril Bennett, for bringing the programme to the school.

The Taoiseach told the students that he was 12 years old when Ireland held the referendum on joining the European Union and 13 when the country joined. “So I am a long time enthusiast of the European Union and I have witnessed how it transformed our lives and how it modernised our country,” he said. He described the EU as a team based approach in which each country looked out for the other and recognised that they were stronger together. He looked forward to seeing KPS’s submission to the competition.  

The students asked a series of well thought through questions on issues like the impact of Ireland joining the EU and Ireland’s contribution to the EU. The Taoiseach suggested the biggest impact in Ireland was on the environment. He added that the country became more outward looking as the world opened up to us.

As part of the MyEU 50 competition primary level pupils are asked to get creative about the 26 other EU countries by picking a Member State and sharing in the most colourful and creative way possible facts about that country. Post–primary level students are tasked to make a short two to five minute video news feature to explore how the EU affects their school and community.

Primary and secondary level students can submit their entries up until October 28 2022. For Primary and Post–Primary Level, there is €2,000 up for grabs for the winning entries. The third level competition will take place in 2023.

More information can be found at

The launch of the MyEU50 competition at KPS in Rathmines.
The launch of the MyEU50 competition at KPS in Rathmines.

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