New Synod Officer Appointed
![Dr Nicole Gallagher.](cmsfiles/images/news/Nicole-Gallagher---For-Print-Media.jpg)
Dr Nicole Gallagher has been appointed to the position of Synod Officer, succeeding Dr Catherine Smith who has moved to a new role as Operations Executive with the Church’s Ministry of Healing: Ireland.
Nicole recently graduated from TU Dublin with a PhD in Church of Ireland hymnody and she previously worked in the Civil Service.
The Revd Canon Gillian Wharton, Honorary Secretary of General Synod and a member of the appointment panel, said: “We are delighted to welcome Nicole to the Synod Department and we look forward to working with her. As we move into the post–pandemic period, this is the first September since 2019 that we can plan ahead with any degree of certainty. It is an exciting time for all involved in the Synod team with a number of initiatives being considered and recent legislation being implemented.
“We also thank Dr Catherine Smith for all that she contributed during her seven years as Synod Officer and wish her well in her new role with the Church’s Ministry of Healing.”