Original Kildare Place Altar Furniture Rededicated for use in Church of Ireland Centre

In an example of the circle of life, altar furniture which was commissioned for the original Church of Ireland Training College in Kildare Place has been rededicated for use by the Church of Ireland Centre in DCU.
Archbishop Michael Jackson rededicated three pieces of chapel furniture in the All Hallows’ Chapel, DCU, at a Service of the Word on Wednesday (November 23). The furniture, which consisted of two Irish oak carved chairs and an Irish oak altar, is for use by the Church of Ireland Centre and others at DCU.
The pieces were commissioned by Canon E.C. Hodges in 1934 when he was Principal of the Church of Ireland Training College in Kildare Place and oversaw the conversion of a classroom into a College Chapel. When the College moved from Kildare Place to Rathmines in 1969, the furniture was gifted to the parish of St Mary’s in Donnybrook. When that parish was closing, the furniture was gifted back to the Church of Ireland Centre in DCU for use by its staff, students and other members of the University community for worship. It has found a new home in the DCU All Hallows’ Chapel.
Second and 4th year B.Ed students from the Church of Ireland Centre took part in the service. Archbishop Jackson re–dedicated the altar and two chairs. Jacqui Wilkinson did one of the readings and led prayers read by students. The Revd Prof Anne Lodge opened the service and preached. Eric Hughes, DCU’s Church of Ireland Chaplain played the closing hymn. After the service ended, all those who took part enjoyed hospitality in the DCU All Hallows’ Dining Hall.
In her sermon Prof Lodge outlined the history of the furniture. She said: “You could say that this is the circle of life in action! The original chapel furniture has found its way home to us here in our new home.”
“The dedication anew of these pieces for sacred use is a gift from our predecessors to us and more importantly, a God–given gift. It reminds us of the footsteps in which we tread and also what it is that binds us together. We are joined with those people through shared faith, through shared identity as a faith and cultural minority in Ireland and through our dedication to education and to the care of children. All of this heritage is encapsulated in these beautiful pieces and we rejoice today to dedicate them anew to our God so that we can gather from time to time to worship in this place,” she concluded.
Speaking after the service Archbishop Jackson stated: “It was both a pleasure and an honour to dedicate afresh for ecclesiastical use sanctuary furnishings originally from the College of Education in Kildare Place Dublin 2. These pieces are now in use in the chapel of All Hallows’ DCU in Drumcondra Dublin 9. This dedication enables artefacts from the past to have a sacred use once again at the heart of a dynamic university in the present. For this I am truly grateful to The President for his support”.