
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough


17th – 25th February

Peregryne sing compline and concerts in four Dublin churches

February 17 to 25 2023
Peregryne sing compline and concerts in four Dublin churches - February 17 to 25 2023

Peregryne will sing three offices of compline and a concert in four difference churches in Dublin between February 17 and 25 2023. Compline will take place in Ss Augustine and John, better known as John’s Lane church on Thomas Street on Friday 17; then St Ann’s church on Dawson Street on Saturday 18, and in the Lady chapel of St Patrick’s cathedral on Sunday 19 February, all at 17.30. The project concludes with a concert on Saturday 25 February at 12.30 in Sandford church.

Music will include liturgical settings by Thomas Tallis (c.1505–85), the popular ‘Angeli archangeli’ by Heinrich Isaac (c.1450–1517) and two settings of ‘Gaude Virgo Mater Christi’, one by Josquin des Prez (c.1450/5–1521) and the other by William Horwood (c.1430–84) from the Eton choirbook (c.1500), performed here for the first time since its missing parts were reconstructed by Michael Winter, who joins us singing bass.

Admission is free, but donations are welcome at the concert towards work on the organ.


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