
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



Joint Clergy Retreat in Jordan Gets Underway

Clergy from the United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough are currently in Jordan for a joint retreat with clergy of our partner Diocese of Jerusalem. This is the ‘second leg’ of the retreat. Clergy from Jerusalem visited Dublin & Glendalough before Covid. Here, the Revd Rob Clements, Rector of Kilternan and chair of the Diocesan Council for Mission, reflects on the first day of their retreat, Sunday February 26.
Joint Clergy Retreat in Jordan Gets Underway - Clergy from the United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough are currently in Jordan for a joint retreat with clergy of our partner Diocese of Jerusalem. This is the ‘second leg’ of the retreat. Clergy from Jerusalem visited Dublin & Glendalough before Covid. Here, the Revd Rob Clements, Rector of Kilternan and chair of the Diocesan Council for Mission, reflects on the first day of their retreat, Sunday February 26.
Clergy from Dublin & Glendalough with the Rector and parishioners of Church of the Redeemer, Amman.

Day 1 of the Joint Clergy Retreat – Diocese of Jerusalem / Diocese of Dublin and Glendalough by Rob Clements

Technically this is not our first day. We had the full day yesterday to see some of the sites and acclimatise ourselves to Jordan. 

Sunday was the first day that we got to spend time with clergy from the Diocese of Jerusalem.  Our morning began with worship in the Church of the Redeemer, Amman. The Church of the Redeemer is the largest parish in the Diocese, drawing parishioners from across the city of Amman. We had such a warm welcome from The Rev’d Canon Fa’eq Haddad and his parishioners, many of whom had family connections in Ireland. It was our privilege to participate in the service by reading the gospel and leading the prayers. The services may have been in Arabic, but we had a strong sense of being at home.

In the afternoon we began our journey to the Rosary Sister’ Retreat Centre in Fuheis, which is a small Christian majority town just outside Amman. There we met with Archbishop Hosam and with clergy from the Diocese of Jerusalem (which includes Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and Israel).  As we gather for the week, we are mindful of the great difficulties facing Christians in the Holy land. We have heard stories of attacks on Christian sacred places, institutions and individuals since the start of the year. This week is an opportunity for learning, for prayer, solidarity, and to strengthening our partnership for the years ahead.

The Revd Rob Clements, the Revd Colin McConaghie, Canon Fa'eq Haddad, Canon Peter Campion and the Revd Ása Bjork Ólafsdóttir.
The Revd Rob Clements, the Revd Colin McConaghie, Canon Fa'eq Haddad, Canon Peter Campion and the Revd Ása Bjork Ólafsdóttir.

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