
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



New Rector Vows to Continue God’s Work in Raheny and Coolock

New Rector Vows to Continue God’s Work in Raheny and Coolock
The Church Wardens of Raheny and Coolock with Archdeacon Neal O’Raw, Archbishop Michael Jackson, the Revd Kevin Ronné, the Revd Conor O’Reilly, Archdeacon David Pierpoint and the Revd Sean Hanily at All Saints Church Raheny.

Parishioners of Raheny and Coolock gathered on a beautiful sunny evening to warmly welcome their new Rector, the Revd Kevin Ronné. He was instituted in All Saints Church, Raheny, last night (Thursday June 1) at an uplifting service celebrated by Archbishop Michael Jackson.

As the new chapter of ministry for both Kevin and the parishes began, Kevin was joined by his wife Arlene and their children Tyrell, Tatum and Trent and their partners and grandchildren as well as many parishioners, parishioners from the Dunleckney Union where he served for 10 years and colleagues in ministry.

The sermon was preached by the Revd Conor O’Reilly, Rector of Athy. Kevin preached at his Institution last year. He congratulated Kevin and said that his calling to serve as a spiritual leader was both an honour and a great responsibility. “The weight of this calling should never be taken lightly, for you have been entrusted with the care and nurture of souls and with the sacred task of shepherding God’s people,” he commented.

He noted that Revd Kevin was beginning his ministry in the midst of a pervasive secular culture in which faith and all things of a religious nature were increasingly marginalised. He said people of faith must ask themselves how they could effectively proclaim the Good News in a society that may not readily embrace it.

“To effectively preach the Gospel in a secular society, we must strive for relevance. This does not mean compromising the core truths of our faith, but instead finding ways to communicate these truths in a language and manner that resonates with the hearts and minds of those we seek to reach. We must be sensitive to the questions, doubts, and struggles that people face in their daily lives and address them with compassion, understanding, and authenticity,” he said.

He added: “In a secular society, we must also be willing to engage in meaningful dialogue. We cannot simply retreat into our own faith communities and isolate ourselves from the world around us. Instead, we should actively seek opportunities to engage with others, to listen to their stories, to understand their perspectives, and to share the truths of the Gospel in a humble and respectful manner”.

The preacher urged the parishioners of Raheny and Coolock to receive their new Rector with open hearts and open minds and to embrace the vision and direction that he would share with them. “Let us always remember that we are one body, united in our faith and purpose. Together, we can create a nurturing and loving community, a place where souls are transformed, where brokenness is mended, and where lives are enriched by the power of God’s grace,” he commented.

Following the service, parishioners Ciara and Anne welcomed Kevin and Arlene and their family to Raheny and Coolock on behalf of the parishes.

Fr Cyril Mangan, currently PP in Howth and Sutton but recently appointed to Raheny, welcomed Kevin on behalf of the ecumenical clergy. He assured the family that they would receive a very warm welcome in the area and added that there had always been very good relations between the churches on the Northside.

Archbishop Michael Jackson said it was a great privilege to welcome Kevin to Dublin and Glendalough. He said that the combination of the two parishes presented a wonderful challenge for Kevin. “The care of the community is part of the care of Christ and it is the gift of the churches to offer that care. Kevin comes with a deep personal faith and an international experience of faith as well as local experience in the Church of Ireland,” he said.

The final speaker of the night was Kevin who thanked everyone who came to support he and Arlene including his former parishioners. He paid tribute to all who had worked so hard to prepare for his arrival and reserved special mention for the Rural Dean, Canon Lesley Robinson, for preparing the service. He said he had been asking himself what he had to offer to the people of Raheny and Coolock. “God has called each of us to do what Jesus did, to do the work of God… God has a perfect plan for all things and for this community. We will continue to work that God has been doing in this place among His children. Thank you for choosing me as your Rector,” he said.

The Revd Kevin and Arlene Ronné and their family after Kevin's institution as Rector of Raheny and Coolock.
The Revd Kevin and Arlene Ronné and their family after Kevin's institution as Rector of Raheny and Coolock.



Clergy and Lay Readers at All Saints Church Raheny for the institution of the Revd Kevin Ronné.
Clergy and Lay Readers at All Saints Church Raheny for the institution of the Revd Kevin Ronné.
The Revd Kevin Ronné is welcomed to Raheny and Coolock.
The Revd Kevin Ronné is welcomed to Raheny and Coolock.
The congregation in All Saints Church, Raheny for the institution of the Revd Kevin Ronné.
The congregation in All Saints Church, Raheny for the institution of the Revd Kevin Ronné.
The Revd Kevin Ronne is instituted Rector of Raheny and Coolock.
The Revd Kevin Ronne is instituted Rector of Raheny and Coolock.





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