Welcome Back – Parishioners of Stillorgan and Blackrock Delight in New Rector

Parishioners of Stillorgan and Blackrock gave a warm welcome back to their new Rector and his family on Friday evening (June 23). The Revd Kevin Conroy, who was Deacon Intern in the parishes in 2014 and provided cover there in recent months, was instituted by Archbishop Michael Jackson in St Brigid’s Church, Stillorgan.
Kevin was joined by his wife Olive and their sons Shane, Cathal and Cian, each of whom took part in the service. Kevin’s brothers were also among the large congregation along with a contingent of his former colleagues in IT company SAP. Kevin studied for ordination part time and served as a Self Supporting Minister until his appointment to Stillorgan and Blackrock.
Among the representatives of civic society were Leas Chathoirleach of Dun Laoghaire–Rathdown County Council Cllr Eva Dowling and Minister of State Neale Richmond, who presented the towel, a symbol of service which is among the symbols of ministry presented to the new Rector during the Service of Institution. The Gospel was read by, the Revd Robert Marshall, who also gave a brief history of the parishes and their churches, which also include All Saints’, Blackrock.
The sermon was preached by the Revd Dr Isobel Hawthorne–Steele, Priest–in–Charge of Greenisland, who trained with Kevin in the Church of Ireland Theological Institute. She said people described Kevin as kind, caring, fun loving, compassionate and a godly man; or a jolly, holy giant as she put it.
Drawing on the reading from Micah [6: 6–8] she said that Kevin’s modus operandi was the same as Micah’s and they had the same qualities. Micah was telling people that it was time to repent. The treatment of the poor saw those in power fostering a culture of silence so that the oppressed could not rise up. Those in power were followers of God on the surface but in their hearts they looked after their own interests. When they asked what the Lord wanted Micah told them he required them “To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God”.
“Kevin, like Micah, is totally committed to social justice… We as Christians need to be involved in a social justice agenda. We need to find those in our congregations who will rise up for Jesus,” Dr Hawthorne–Steele said. “Each of us is absolutely challenged to love justice, to show mercy and to walk humbly. We pray that the God of peace equip you Kevin.”
Following the service there were a number of speeches coordinated by the Rural Dean, the Revd Gary Dowd. Claire McManus spoke on behalf of the parishes to welcome Kevin as their new Rector. She recalled first meeting Kevin, Olive, Shane, Cathal and Cian when Kevin came as Deacon Intern in 2014. She said they quickly became an integral part of the parishes. “I know that his initial sojourn here started lasting friendships. It started with us and it ends with us for now. We are delighted to call you our new Rector,” she said. Holly Grier presented Olive with flowers.
Fr Joe Mullan, Adm of the neighbouring Mount Merrion, Kilmacud and Clonskeagh parish, spoke of the joy of the shared ecumenical spirit between the parishes. He looked forward to continuing the tradition of carrying the Cross together on Good Friday and said it was a wonderful new beginning for the parish.
Archbishop Michael Jackson observed that Kevin knows the parishes and the communities very well and he knows the people and they know him. He said that the route that Kevin had taken to ordination and incumbency was a route he wanted to see flourish in the dioceses. “He undertook his training while working and for that Kevin I would like to thank you,” he commented. He also thanked everyone who made the service possible including the Revd Robert Marshall and the preacher for her insights and wished Kevin and Olive and their family well.
Kevin observed that Google Maps was great for telling people how to get from A to B but he suggested life was more difficult, requiring prayer and people. He thanked his parents and brothers for their influence and is SAP colleagues with whom he had worked for 22 and a half years. He paid tribute to all those in the parish who had worked so hard to prepare for their arrival and Robert who had provided great support. He reserved special mention for his sons and Olive who had accompanied him on his journey.