
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



‘May your hearts sing’ – Ordination to the Priesthood in Dublin and Glendalough

‘May your hearts sing’ – Ordination to the Priesthood in Dublin and Glendalough
The Revd Jane Burns and the Revd Scott Evans with Archbishop Michael Jackson and the Revd David White, who preached.

“Vocation is like any relationship. They need work, nurture, nourishment, care and time”. This was the message to the Revd Jane Burns and the Revd Scott Evans who were ordained to the Priesthood in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, on Sunday (September 24).

Archbishop Michael Jackson presided at the service which was sung by the Cathedral Choir. Clergy from Dublin and Glendalough and beyond took part in the service and joined in the Laying on of Hands. Jane and Scott were also joined by many members of their families and friends as well as the Rectors and parishioners from Taney, where Jane will serve as Curate, and Rathmines with Harold’s Cross where Scott will serve his Curacy. Parishioners and the Rector of Athy, Jane’s home parish, were also there.

The Laying on of Hands at the Ordination of Priests.
The Laying on of Hands at the Ordination of Priests.

The preacher was the Revd David White, who co–led the pre–ordination retreat. He asked Jane and Scott what made their hearts sing. He said that as they looked back on the whole story of their calling, they would notice that “the God of the frayed threads and scattered pieces” had been putting together the disparate parts of their experiences and making them whole and holy.

“The God of the long view knew from the moment of your conception, what God had in mind for you. Despite your own self–doubt and sense of unworthiness God worked through your humanity and will continue to do so in your priestly ministry. Since God wishes that your hearts sing,” he said.

He added that some journeys end so that others may begin and said that Jane and Scott had left much behind but there was much before them. “But remember that the risen Christ gave the Holy Spirit to the disciples, and the Spirit stirred up in them bold, holy desires and animated them to continue the mission that Jesus entrusted to them throughout his earthly life. The Spirit of Jesus is with you now, summoning you for the adventures ahead, as you respond ever more to the call of Christ to build a more just and gentle world where God’s love reaches every nook and cranny,” Mr White said.

The Revd Jane Burns and the Revd Scott Evans are congratulated on their ordination.
The Revd Jane Burns and the Revd Scott Evans are congratulated on their ordination.

He said that when Jesus appeared to the disciples, the first thing he offered them was peace. He said people experienced peace when they were doing what God desired for them. However he said this was not an ethereal, tranquil experience as doing God’s will often involved self–doubt, conflict and confusion. He pointed out that Jesus was doing God’s will when he endured the pain of his Passion. “We realize that doing God’s will is not always about feeling peaceful and being pain–free. But when we are in tune with our maker our hearts will sing,” he said.

The preacher spoke of his fascination with islands but said that to make their hearts sing, the newly ordained Priests must not be islands. He encouraged them to reach out to others for support, advice and friendship. Ministry was supposed to be enjoyable and life–giving. He said that vocations were fragile and delicate and needed work, nurture, care and time. “But, we blossom and we thrive when we answer that calling and find an inner unexplainable peace,” he contended.

He prayed that Scott’s family, Christina, Daniel and Hailey, would be part of his adventure and that Jane’s family, Dermot, Jamie, Ellen and Kate, were part of the story too. “Christ’s own flock is entrusted to you both today, Jane and Scott. May God bless you both and give you peace, courage, patience, joy and self–compassion and in your ministry may God’s infinite love be a living reality in our community. And above all else may your hearts sing along with the hearts of those among whom you serve,” he concluded.

The Revd Scott Evans and the Rector of Rathmines with Harolds Cross, the Revd Rob Jones.
The Revd Scott Evans and the Rector of Rathmines with Harolds Cross, the Revd Rob Jones.


The Revd Jane Burns with the Rector of Taney, the Revd Nigel Pierpoint.
The Revd Jane Burns with the Rector of Taney, the Revd Nigel Pierpoint.


The Revd Scott Evans with his wife Christine and their daughter Hailey. Their son Daniel is also part of their adventure..
The Revd Scott Evans with his wife Christine and their daughter Hailey. Their son Daniel is also part of their adventure..
The Revd Jane Burns with her husband Dermot and their children Jamie, Ellen and Kate.
The Revd Jane Burns with her husband Dermot and their children Jamie, Ellen and Kate.



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