
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



Shine a Light for the Diocese of Jerusalem – Advent and Christmas Appeal Launch

You are invited to attend the launch of the Shine a Light for the Diocese of Jerusalem Appeal. RSVP details and information on how to support the appeal below.
Shine a Light for the Diocese of Jerusalem – Advent and Christmas Appeal Launch - You are invited to attend the launch of the Shine a Light for the Diocese of Jerusalem Appeal. RSVP details and information on how to support the appeal below.

The United Dioceses of Dublin and Glendalough are formally launching the Shine a Light for the Diocese of Jerusalem appeal on Monday December 4 in St Ann’s Church, Dawson Street, at 6.30pm. The launch will be followed by a Vigil for Peace and all are welcome to attend.

The appeal, which has been running since shortly after the outbreak of the current war, will support our partners in the Anglican Diocese of Jerusalem in their outreach to those impacted by war in the Holy Land. Among the many ministries run by the Diocese of Jerusalem is Al–Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City and the Princess Basma Centre in the Mount of Olives, a centre for children with disabilities. Through these and other institutions, the diocese serves all people, regardless of faith or background.

In this dark time in the Holy Land we are asking everyone to ‘Shine a Light for the Diocese of Jerusalem’. We join with Anglicans around the world in raising funds to support the work of the diocese in serving those affected by the war.

“During Advent and Christmas in the Holy Land, Christian communities normally take great delight in their preparations for celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ,” Archbishop Michael Jackson commented. “This year the celebrations are shrouded in suffering and death, grief and fear, and uncertainty over the future. In solidarity with our brothers and sisters and all who suffer we encourage everyone to ‘Shine a Light for the Diocese of Jerusalem’. In these dark times we recall the words of John 1: ‘The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.’ [John 1:5]”

We are pleased to announce that, thanks to your generosity, we have already raised over €25,000. A further €3,000 has been donated by the Diocesan Council for Mission. The appeal will run throughout Advent and Christmas 2023 and into the New Year.

The United Dioceses of Dublin and Glendalough has had a link with the Diocese of Jerusalem since our ‘Prepare a Place’ appeal in Advent 2014 which raised over €120,000 for Al–Ahli Hospital. The hospital had identified two needs: solar panels to reduce reliance on generators during the frequent power cuts, and upgrading the on–call facilities for staff who spend days on end in the hospital during times of crisis. Additional funds have been raised in the intervening years, including funds to repair the Accident and Emergency Department which collapsed due to aging steelwork.

In the aftermath of this war, it is expected that there will be much infrastructural need. But there will also be need for services such as those provided by the Princess Basma Centre which will support newly maimed children and those suffering from Post–Traumatic Stress Disorder.

You are invited to attend the launch and Vigil in St Ann’s. There will be refreshments and those planning to attend are asked to RSVP to by Friday December 1.

You can support the appeal by donating to: Diocesan Funds of Dublin and Glendalough No 1 A/C Current Account, Bank of Ireland, 2 COLLEGE GREEN DUBLIN 2 IBAN: IE50 BOFI 9000 1769 3548 78, BIC: BOFIIE2D. Cheques may be sent to Diocesan Offices of Dublin and Glendalough, Church of Ireland House, Church Avenue, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 CF67. All funds will go directly to our partner Diocese of Jerusalem.


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