
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



Candle Lit Procession Marks Start of Advent in Christ Church Cathedral

Candle Lit Procession Marks Start of Advent in Christ Church Cathedral
The congregation at the Advent Procession in Christ Church Cathedral yesterday.

The dramatic candle lit Advent Procession in Christ Church Cathedral marked the beginning of the Season of Advent and the start of the Church’s new year yesterday (Sunday December 3).

The service was sung by the Cathedral Choir whose members processed around the cathedral, their voices encircling the congregation as they went.

The readings reflected an emphasis on Christ’s second coming and included themes of accountability, judgement and the hope of eternal life. The course of the service traced the witness of the prophets, of John the Baptist and of Mary, all of whom point towards the birth of Jesus.

Archbishop Michael Jackson presided at the service and read the Collects. Members of the cathedral community gave the readings with the final reading being read by Dean Dermot Dunne.

The Cathedral has a full programme of services and events for Advent and Christmas. You can learn more about them on their website here.


The Cathedral Choir.
The Cathedral Choir.

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