
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



Podcast Marks Racial Justice Sunday

Racial Justice Sunday takes place on February 11.
Podcast Marks Racial Justice Sunday - Racial Justice Sunday takes place on February 11.

Racial Justice Sunday is observed on the second Sunday in February each year. This year it takes place on Sunday February 11. To mark the event a podcast has been recorded from the Primate’s Ethnic Diversity, Inclusion and Racial Justice Reference Group. Members of the group discuss some issues involved in welcoming people from all racial and ethnic backgrounds in Ireland today and standing up to racism.

The podcast is hosted by Dr Lucy Michael with contributions from Archbishop John McDowell, and two members of the group, the Revd Dr Maithrie White and Oluromade Olusa.  

They speak of the origins of Racial Justice Sunday and their perspectives on: how it aligns with the Church’s mission and values; why should we be celebrating Racial Justice Sunday more; the current state of awareness of racial justice in the Church; what could happen in a local church celebrating racial justice; how these celebrations can ‘lift our eyes’ and deepen our faith. 

This year’s theme is migration, for which Churches Together in Britain and Ireland has produced a set of helpful resources for Racial Justice Sunday on the theme of migration, available at 

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees states at least 108 million people around the world have been forced to flee their homes. Among them are more than 35 million refugees, around 41 per cent of whom are aged under 18. 

The discussion continues as the contributors consider the most important issues of migration for members of the Church to reflect on and what we can do to take forward racial justice all through the year. 

CTBI has suggested three points to guide churches’ work in marking Racial Justice Sunday:

  1. Remember the importance of racial justice
  2. Reflect on human diversity and thank God for this
  3. Respond by working to end injustice, racism and ignorance through prayer and action

Dr Michael remarks: “I want to thank Archbishop John McDowell, Dr Maithrie White and Oluromade Olusa for their valuable insights and willingness to engage in this important conversation. We invite you to continue this conversation through your local church or diocese and connect with others who can learn and grow with you as you explore this area more deeply.” 

The reference group hopes that you’ll listen out for future episodes as we seek to learn and grow together in faith.

You can watch the discussion on YouTube here:


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