10th – 16th May
Church of Ireland General Synod 2024
The Church of Ireland’s General Synod will meet in the Armagh City Hotel on Friday May 10 and Saturday May 11 2024, and in an online evening session on Tuesday May 14 (to continue on Thursday evening May 16 if required). This will be General Synod’s first meeting in Armagh since 2018.
Each day of General Synod begins with a short act of worship, and a Service of Holy
Communion is held on the first day before its business commences. This year’s General Synod Service will take place in St Patrick’s Cathedral, on the Hill of Armagh, on Friday May 10 at 10.00am. The preacher will be the Bishop of Clogher, the Rr Revd Dr Ian Ellis.
General Synod will then begin at 11.00am in the hotel with the start of business followed by
the Presidential Address by the Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland, the Most
Revd John McDowell.
The provisional timetable is available at www.ireland.anglican.org/synod/2024/timetable