Shine a Light Appeal for Al Ahli Hospital – Thank You
A message from the Archbishop of Dublin.

On behalf of everyone involved in our Diocesan Shine a Light appeal for the Diocese of Jerusalem’s Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza, I want to thank all who have donated for your generous and heartfelt support. You have been constant in your giving since the early days of Advent 2023 until now. Once again, thank you for your donations which, to date, have amounted to in excess of €210,000.
It is not possible for me to correspond with each of you individually. I hope that you will accept this thank you as a genuine expression of our gratitude as we remember the plight of those in Gaza, in Israel, in the West Bank and throughout the Diocese of Jerusalem in these days.
We continue to call for peace. We continue to pray for peace. We cry out that mercy be shown to those deprived of shelter, water, food and personal dignity. We condemn all violence and war. And we stand with those worldwide who call for hostilities to cease and for a lasting and just solution to issues that have lain unresolved.
Archbishop Michael Jackson
United Dioceses of Dublin and Glendalough