Library Donation to Benefit Generations of Ordinands

A joyful gathering in the Church of Ireland Theological Institute on Wednesday evening (October 9) honoured the donation of a large collection of books which will benefit ordinands for generations to come.
Canon Dr Will Murphy, formerly Diocesan Director of Ordinands in Connor Diocese and facilitator of the foundation course at CITI, has donated his entire library of books to CITI. In order to express a public thanks, Will and his family were invited to CITI for a reception which followed the Community Eucharist, celebrated by the Revd Stephen McWhirter and at which final year ordinand Siobhan Wheeler preached.
Interviewed by CITI’s director, Canon Dr Maurice Elliott, Will regaled those present with tales from decades of ministry which included over 19 years serving in prison ministry. He said ordained ministry was a wonderful life and his advice to those coming behind him was to “go for it”.
Dr Elliott said that CITI was genuinely grateful for the donation and senior CITI student, Victoria Hawkins thanked Will on behalf of the college students. “Students to come will find great wisdom in your books,” she predicted.