D&G Diocesan Cycle Prayer 2024/25 Available Now

The Dublin and Glendalough Diocesan Cycle of Prayer for 2024/2025 is now available to download in the Prayer and Worship section of our website here.
Through our Diocesan Cycle of Prayer, we invite you to pray for every parish and clergyperson in these United Dioceses, every chaplaincy and all of the mission agencies, individuals and organisations the Church of Ireland works through in this place. We also invite you to pray for parishes and organisations in our partner diocese, the Diocese of Jerusalem.
The Cycle of Prayer is published by the Diocesan Office and edited each year by Canon Mark Gardner. A new Cycle of Prayer begins on the First Sunday of Advent each year. This year it begins on December 1.
Archbishop Michael Jackson thanked Canon Gardner for compiling the cycle. “The Diocesan Cycle of Prayer enables us to keep in contact with one another, parish by parish, community by community publicly in our worship week by week. There are many types of prayer: personal and private, public and communal. It is an important part of our Christian witness that we speak out the names of our Clergy and our Readers, our parishes and our people in one another’s churches Sunday by Sunday and week by week. This gives us a belonging that it bigger than ourselves and our preoccupations with what is happening to us locally,” he said.
The Archbishop added: “This also gives us a picture of the United Dioceses of Dublin and Glendalough which we need in order to engage with the history and the heritage that God has given to us to cherish. We have the opportunity to pray for and with the members of the Diocese of Jerusalem and the Middle East, their archbishop, clergy and people, in their hopes and their fears, their suffering in catastrophic times along with their irrepressible capacity to praise God at the heart of adversity. Prayer binds us together in ways we experience for ourselves on a regular basis and in ways we can scarcely imagine”.