Scriptural Reasoning: An online event with the Interfaith Working Group & Dublin City Interfaith Forum

Scriptural Reasoning is a form of reading, listening to and reflecting on scripture from different religious traditions addressing a selected theme. This session of scriptural reasoning will focus on the theme of ‘Compassion’.Contributors for this event will come from the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim faiths.
The three contributors for this event are:
- Jonathan Romain – Rabbi, writer and broadcaster
- Dr Al Tawash – Dublin City Interfaith Forum
- The Rev Dr Stephen Skuce – Methodist Church in Ireland
As part of the session, each contributor will be invited to give a brief introduction and reflection on their selected passage of scripture on the theme of ‘Compassion’.
These introductions are intended to provide context to help other participants from different traditions who may not be familiar with the passage to enter into dialogue with the text.
After all three contributors have spoken, we will gather in smaller breakout rooms to discuss the three texts presented, giving equal time to each text. After the breakout rooms, we will re–gather in the main session for a short summing up and sharing from the different groups.
NB: Tickets for this event are divided into different faith groups. The purpose for this is not to exclude or limit participation, but rather to ensure that some diversity of representation will be possible across the discussion groups.
There is no limit on any of the tickets, and the listing is purely for the purpose of planning the breakout groups in advance.
To learn more about Scriptural Reasoning please visit: www.scripturalreasoning.org
This event is co–organised by the Church
of Ireland Interfaith Working Group and the Dublin City Interfaith
Forum, and tickets can be booked at this link on Eventbrite:
Jonathan Romain is the Convenor of the Reform Beit Din, the rabbinic court serving synagogues throughout the UK. He is Chaplain to the Jewish Police Association and President of the Accord Coalition (campaigning for inclusive education). His many books include The Jews of England and Till Faith Us Do Part; his latest book is Confessions of a Rabbi (Biteback).
Dr Al Tawash – Dublin City Interfaith Forum.
The Rev Dr Stephen Skuce is the North Western District Superintendent
for the Methodist Church in Ireland. Dr Skuce previously worked with the
British Methodist Church in a number of roles including Director of
Research, Director of Global Relationships, and
Academic Dean at Cliff College. He served as a mission partner in Sri
Lanka and his published work includes The Faiths of Ireland (Columba, 2006).
Shared on behalf of the Interfaith Working Group of the Commission for Christian Unity and Dialogue.