Canon Geoffrey Perrin Installed in Armagh Cathedral
![Canon Geoffrey Perrin Installed in Armagh Cathedral](assets/generated/news/banner/9f92c4007d859a8a131cec6d5339ba7c.jpg)
During a special Choral Evensong on Sunday November 24 2024, Geoffrey Perrin, a parishioner of Rathmichael in Dublin, was installed as a Lay Canon in the Cathedral Church of Saint Patrick, Armagh, in recognition of his particular and distinguished service to the Church of Ireland.
The Dean, the Very Revd Shane Forster, welcomed Geoffrey’s family and friends to the Cathedral together with many colleagues from the Representative Church Body with whom Geoffrey had served.
The Old Testament Lesson was read by the Dean of Ossory, the Very Revd Stephen Farrell, and the New Testament Lesson by Canon Gary McMurray, Prebendary of Ballymore in the Diocese of Armagh.
In his sermon Archbishop John McDowell referred to advice Geoffrey had received from his clergyman father Canon Donald Perrin, that the Church of Ireland needed good lay people. The Archbishop spoke also of how after the Disestablishment of the Church of Ireland, the principle of extending the representation of the laity was accepted by the bishops. This led to the ratio of laity to clergy at General Synod being 2:1 and to the drafting of the Church of Ireland Constitution and the formation of the Representative Church Body in which Geoffrey has served so faithfully.
Turning to our Scripture Readings, Archbishop John highlighted from Daniel chapter 5 and the demise of King Belshazzar that those in positions of influence and power are still subject to the rule of God.
The Sunday before Advent is also known as ‘The Kingship of Christ’. In the Gospel Reading from John chapter 6 and the account of the people wanting to take Jesus and make him King by force and he countering that by withdrawing to the mountain by himself, the Archbishop suggested that whatever our role or vocation within the church, we remain disciples of Jesus Christ, that is the foundation and our first vocation. Everything else most be judged and adjusted in relationship to that.
With thanks to Jonathan Hull (Communications Officer for Armagh) for report and photography.
![The congregation in St Patrick's Cathedral, Armagh.](cmsfiles/November2024/Geoffrey-Perrin2.jpg)