
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough


10th December

Peata Therapy Dog Carol Service

Peata Therapy Dog Carol Service

Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, will be filled with joyful barking and the uplifting voices of the girl choristers on Tuesday December 10 2024 for the annual Peata Therapy Dog Carol Service.  

Dogs of all sizes will be getting into the festive spirit at the popular carol service which takes place at 1.15pm. Accompanied by the cathedral’s Girls’ Choir, there will be carols aplenty and the service includes a blessing of the dogs in thanksgiving for the gifts animals bring to their owners and those who benefit from Peata Therapy Dogs’ services. Some of the people who benefit from visits by Peata volunteers will also attend the service.

Peata is a voluntary organisation which provides a pet therapy service to caring institutions. Its visiting scheme involves approved volunteers and their dogs who generally pay weekly visits.

A collection will be taken up during the service for Peata. All dogs (not just therapy dogs) and their owners are welcome.


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