Carrying the Light – Community Lantern Walk in Aughrim

The community of Aughrim in south Wicklow gathered to bring light in the darkness in Advent on Tuesday evening (December 17). St John the Evangelist Church hosted a Community Lantern Walk from the Church of the Sacred Heart, along the main street of Aughrim to St John’s Church at the other end of the village.
Despite the drizzling rain, about 85 people from both church communities participated in the walk, led by the Revd Suzanne Harris and Father Diarmuid Byrne. The choir from the Sacred Heart Church led the carol singing and everyone carried lanterns or torches to light their way.
There was a short stop to sing a few carols around the village Christmas tree. Upon arrival in St John’s Church the group enjoyed refreshments of non alcoholic mulled wine and mince pies while the choir sang some more beautiful carol pieces. A wonderful Advent event enjoyed by all.