
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



Advent Hope in D&G – DGYC: Celebrating Ten Years of New Life and Structures

Join us throughout Advent 2024 as we explore signs of hope of the Spirit at work in Dublin and Glendalough. During this time of watching and waiting, we are celebrating the life of parishes in the United Dioceses of Dublin and Glendalough – urban and rural, large and small. We are sharing stories of people in parishes who are working with dedication to reach out to people who are new to their communities, to those who have moved to the many new housing developments springing up or those who come to the country seeking sanctuary from war. There are stories of people exploring how to share the Good News of the Gospel with people who haven’t heard it, or who have forgotten about it. There is news of people carefully preserving their parish churches and buildings so they can continue to provide facilities to parishioners and the whole community and there are rural ministries which provide a focal point for their communities. You are encouraged to reflect on these good news stories but also invited to share stories from your parishes so that we can continue to communicate the joy of parish life and fellowship with others.
Advent Hope in D&G – DGYC: Celebrating Ten Years of New Life and Structures  - Join us throughout Advent 2024 as we explore signs of hope of the Spirit at work in Dublin and Glendalough. 
During this time of watching and waiting, we are celebrating the life of parishes in the United Dioceses of Dublin and Glendalough – urban and rural, large and small. We are sharing stories of people in parishes who are working with dedication to reach out to people who are new to their communities, to those who have moved to the many new housing developments springing up or those who come to the country seeking sanctuary from war. There are stories of people exploring how to share the Good News of the Gospel with people who haven’t heard it, or who have forgotten about it. There is news of people carefully preserving their parish churches and buildings so they can continue to provide facilities to parishioners and the whole community and there are rural ministries which provide a focal point for their communities.
You are encouraged to reflect on these good news stories but also invited to share stories from your parishes so that we can continue to communicate the joy of parish life and fellowship with others.
Time in prayer for young people during DGYC’s 10th anniversary service.


Emma Fawcett – Diocesan Youth Ministry Development Officer

Rev Alan Breen – Chairperson of DGYC

On 21st September 2024 young people, volunteers and church leaders gathered together in Christ Church Cathedral to give thanks to God for His provision over the past ten years. Dublin and Glendalough Youth Council was established in 2014, launching off the back of many years of vibrant youth ministry within the dioceses. Over the past decade we have seen the Holy Spirit move through local youth work, regional and national events, and relationships and conversations.

We have been marking this milestone all year, and we could not let the occasion go by without marking it with a Service of Celebration in Christ Church Cathedral, where we gave thanks to God, celebrated, sang songs, prayed prayers, ate pizza, played games and had a bit of a party! We asked some young people to share stories of where they have seen God move in their local context, and we were humbled by what we heard. Our young people are open to the Spirit of the Lord, and are seeking Him out, and that is amazing!

Some of the members of Dublin and Glendalough Youth Council: Jono Byford, the Revd Alan Breen (chair), the Revd Ruth Noble, Canon Lesley Robinson and Emma Fawcett, Diocesan Youth Ministry Coordinator.
Some of the members of Dublin and Glendalough Youth Council: Jono Byford, the Revd Alan Breen (chair), the Revd Ruth Noble, Canon Lesley Robinson and Emma Fawcett, Diocesan Youth Ministry Coordinator.

While we gave thanks for the past, we also have our eyes on the future. As we celebrated together we launched our new Internship Programme for 2025/2026. We firmly believe in the effectiveness of localised youth ministry, through consistent contact and relationship, and we want to give young adults a chance to give that a go through our internship. We will be training and equipping these interns to be part of what God is doing in a local context, while also giving opportunities to be involved in regional and national events.

As we have reflected on the past decade, It is hard not to think about what the next ten years holds for DGYC. We could make plans, run events, create resources and expand the team, and we really hope to do all of those things! Ultimately, however, we hope that each young person (and older person) learns to know deep in their heart, the truth of these verses:*

You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14 I knit you together in your mother’s womb. Psalm 139:13 And brought you forth on the day you were born. Psalm 71:6I have been misrepresented by those who don’t know me. John 8:41–44I am not distant and angry, but am the complete expression of love. 1 John 4:16 And it is my desire to lavish my love on you. 1 John 3:1 Simply because you are my child and I am your Father.   1 John 3:1

*an extract from The Father’s Love Letter

You can learn about DGYC’s internship here:

You can read Archbishop Michael Jackson’s reflection on the Church of Ireland census figures and his appeal to people to rekindle their connection to their parish here:

If you have a story to tell from your parish please email the diocesan communications officer –


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