Rathmichael Nativity Express Brings Families on Christmas Journey

On Saturday December 14, Rathmichael Church once again held a new Christmas Trail for people of all ages. This year had a railway theme, with each stop on the trail designed to be a stop on the longer journey towards Christmas, and the birth of Christ the Messiah.
Visitors were invited to ‘hop aboard’ the Nativity Express and journey back in time to meet the prophets of old, Isaiah & Micah, at ‘Prophets’ Haven’, where the prophets set the scene for the most famous birth of all time. The journey continued forwards to the time when B.C. meets A.D. as people arrived into the middle of the Roman Census at ‘Census Central’ and had their documents checked by our centurions and sealed with wax for the onward journey.
The next stop on the journey was ‘Carpenter’s Square’ where the angel Gabriel, who took people by surprise, told them of the recent events that had been happening. The time–tourists then met the shepherds (and their real sheep!) at ‘Flockside Station’ where the news had also been recently told. Then it was onwards to the ancient city of Bethlehem where Mr & Mrs Innkeeper were at ‘No Room Junction’. As our visitors moved on past Bethlehem, the next stop was ‘Magi Waypoint’, where three mysterious wise men had heard the news and were making a journey also. The journey finished at ‘Manger Halt’ where people met the baby that they had all been talking about, and could take a moment to reflect with joy and thankfulness on all they had heard on the journey.
After this interactive trip through time, visitors moved to the adjoining hall where the fun continued with themed activities and crafts to complete; and refreshments for all to enjoy. Paper bags were available for the children to take their crafts home in – Christmas cards, snow globes and various Christmas tree decorations – all portraying verses of scripture from the Christmas story.
Massive thanks are due to all involved in this event – actors, crafts leaders, caterers, and all those involved in making the sets, props, costumes and overall planning. Around 50 volunteers were involved with the delivery of the trail, from the preparation through to the day itself. It was truly incredible day that will be long remembered in the life of our church and wider community, as our church community came together to provide this outreach event to the whole community.
The trails in Rathmichael came about during the covid restrictions three years ago, when we decided to use our beautiful church grounds to ‘go out’ in order to invite people ‘in’. The trails have now become a major part of Rathmichael’s outreach into our wider and fast–growing community. At each trail, at least half of the people who come through are unknown to us when they arrive. Typically, some of the attendees come back to join us for a church service and join our church family. And for others – they experience our welcome and know that Rathmichael is a place where they and their families are welcome and loved in the name of Christ. This has led to a rejuvenated sense of belonging for all, and they go home and spread the good news of what they experienced – just as each of us are charged to spread The Good News in our lives each day. As a result, we have found that each trail is now attended by more and more people who come to us to hear the Gospel message in a fun and interactive way. Ultimately, this ministry is about planting seeds of faith and we pray on an ongoing basis that those seeds would indeed bear fruit into the future.