
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



TCD Chapel Choir Visits Enniskillen

TCD Chapel Choir Visits Enniskillen
Members of TCD Chapel Choir in St Maccarten’s Cathedral.

On Sunday last (January 19), the choir of the Chapel of Trinity College, Dublin sang at the morning Eucharist at St Maccartan’s Cathedral, Enniskillen. They joined with the cathedral choir to sing music ranging from the 16th to the 21st centuries. 

Canon Paul Arbuthnot, Dean Kenneth Hall and the Revd Dr Edwin Aiken.
Canon Paul Arbuthnot, Dean Kenneth Hall and the Revd Dr Edwin Aiken.

The Eucharist was celebrated by the Dean, The Very Rev’d Kenneth Hall, and the sermon was preached by the Dean of Residence & Chaplain of Trinity College, Dublin, The Rev’d Canon Paul Arbuthnot.

On the previous evening the Trinity College, Dublin Chapel choir sang at the Vigil Mass in St Michael’s, Enniskillen. Included in their music was a composition by a former conductor of the chapel choir, Deacon Paul Flynn.

Canon Arbuthnot commented: “It was wonderful for the Trinity College, Dublin Chapel Choir to be in Enniskillen. The hospitality and welcome shown to us by Monsignor Peter O’Reilly and Dean Kenneth Hall was incredibly kind and vast. It was also a delight to meet once again the curate of St Maccartan’s, The Rev’d Dr Edwin Aiken”.

He added: “The Trinity College, Dublin chaplaincy is ecumenical and this visit reflected this commitment. Many thanks are due to our hosts, to the chapel choir for their beautiful singing, and to Dr Kerry Houston, Director of Chapel Music at Trinity College, Dublin for making this a most memorable and good visit”.


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